Monday, March 21, 2011

Color Figured Gesture Drawing!

I soon got really burnt out with working in ink and black and white. So I decided to move on to watercolor, colored paper and acrylic paint. Before I moved onto color I decided to do another life size gesture figure drawing using a sponge and ink. Then I decided to move onto watercolor and acrylic paint. I took my finger and dipped in acrylic paint and applied it to the paper. I wanted to try using watercolor and found out that I loved it more more then ink. I felt that it allowed me less control then the ink. Which allowed me to relax and to let go with out worrying. I wanted to move from the newsprint and try working with working with watercolor on colored paper. I found to be that watercolor on colored paper really stood out to me more so then the watercolor on newsprint. there was something about it that drew me in. I finally feel like I had a break though with the color and the gesture drawing. You could really feel the weight and movement.

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